
                     ✅Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical microbiology                                                                      

Considered as a single best resource for microbiology and immunology by students, teachers and health care professionals all around the world. Fundamental concepts of organisms and their role in disease, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology are explained. Case studies with differential diagnosis and algorithm of lad diagnosis are provided. All the latest techniques and updates are done in newer editions.

✅Ananthnarayan & Paniker’s Microbiology

One of the trusted books in microbiology that has concepts integrated with a system-wise approach. Essential concepts are given more preference and various flowcharts, tables, and pictures make students oriented. National programs related to respective topics are added with prevention and control protocols. Concepts are explained in a systematic way.


                        ✅Apurba Sastry – Essentials of Microbiology                                                                         

A comprehensive and precise explanation of topics in microbiology. Explained in a point-wise manner that makes the information retainable and reproducible in exams. Numerous images, flow charts, and tables make understanding easy for students. Detailed explanations of all the important topics are explained which help students in preparation for entrance exams.

✅Lippincott’s Microbiology 

Emphasis on clinically important microbiological concepts with a summary of important bacteria. Various case studies are explained for integration and to apply the concept in real case scenarios. This book focuses more on clinical aspects and ensures students learn the basic concept of diagnosis and investigation. Self-assessment questions and other formats of questions are provided in each chapter to aid in quick revision.

✅Medical Parasitology – Apurba Sastry

More content is precisely explained in a point-wise manner with flowcharts and illustrations. Real images and schematic diagrams of the life cycle make understanding easy. Explained in simple and lucid language. The summary of each chapter is added for quick revision. Multiple choice questions are given to make students oriented to the entrance pattern examination.

✅Paniker’s textbook of Parasitology  

Comprehensive parasitology book by Paniker written in a systematic format to make students interested and to get the proper orientation of the subject. Different clinical aspects, diagnosis and prophylaxis protocols are explained well. Explained in a point-wise manner which makes concepts remembering easy. New photographs and tables are included in the new edition.

So what is

microbiology? Microbiology: is the study
of microscopic organisms such as:

bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. most of these microorganisms are beneficial

to us. In humans we have normal
microbiota that helps in digestion. In

plants the bacteria is responsible for
nitrogen fixation and in animals it

helps in cellulose digestion. Also these
microorganisms are used in industries.

Generally we divide the organisms these
bacteria viruses and fungi according to

their characteristics.
So in bacteria we use Gram stain either:

positive or negative to categorize them.
In viruses we depend on their genome:

DNA or RNA, whether it's single stranded or double stranded to categorize them.

In fungi they're either divided into: molds
which is multicellular, or yeasts which are unicellular.

We also have the hierarchy of classification we used to

put each organism including us humans
into its category "we took it in high

school if you remember". So from highest
to lowest it's: domain > kingdom > phylum >

class > order > family > genus > and species. You
can use this mnemonic to help you

Dina's kids prefer candy over fried

green spinach. Spinach is pretty
underrated by the way  00:01:48,570
from the top we have three domains on
this planet bacteria, archaea and Eukarya.

Both bacteria and archaea are considered
as prokaryotes whereas Eukarya are

considered as eukaryotes. The main
differences between prokaryotes and

eukaryotes are absence of cytoplasmic
structures such as mitochondria Golgi

apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum in
prokaryotes, and then we have absence of

cell wall in eukaryotes except for fungi
and plants also they differ in the

structure of the ribosomes.
After that we go to the kingdom both

bacteria and archaea have only one
single kingdom which are bacteria and

archaea, respectively. And then we have
the eukarya and it has four kingdoms:

protists, fungi, plants, and animals. And
then we continue the classification like

this like we mentioned before phylum
class order family genus and then species.

For now we will focus on bacteria how do
we name them basic structures in gram

staining. Any bacteria's name is composed
of two words: the first one refers to the

name of the genus, and the second one
refers to the species name. We'll take

Staphylococcus aureus as an example. So Staphylococcus is the genus and aureus

is species. Also the name of the
microorganism might refer to its shape.

Like an our example staphylo means a
bunch of grapes or a cluster and coccus

means round cells aureus means it looks
like gold in color when we culture. Other

than cocci the round cells we have: rods
or bacilli, and then we have spirochete:

which are curved, and then we have diplococci which is basically two cocci or

basically two round cells, and then we
have cocco-bacilli which is a mixture of

both a rod and a round cell, and then we
have vibrios which is a curved rod, then

we have streptococci
which are cocci in chains, and then we

have the staphylococci like we mentioned
in our example which are large cocci in

irregular clusters, and then we have
tetrads which are cocci in a packet of

four from the name tetrads tetra which
means four. Now we're going to discuss

the bacterial architecture. Since
bacteria are considered as cells that

means they have: genetic material, a cell
membrane, and a cytoplasm. In addition to

that they have a cell wall, a flagella
which is used for locomotion, and then we

have pili which is used for
attachment, and then we have plasmid

which is an extra chromosome of genetic
material so it's not part of the DNA, and

then we have a glycocalyx which is used
for protection. The glycocalyx can be

either capsule which is neatly organized
and protects the bacterium from

phagocytes, or biofilm which is an
unorganized loose

structure yet important for attachment.
But here also have porins these porins

are transmembrane proteins that
selectively allow some molecules to pass

the cytosol of the bacteria. Porins can
mediate antibiotic resistance by

inhibiting some antibiotics from
entering the bacteria. They also have

Mesosomes that are equivalent to mitochondria in eukaryotes. Remember bacteria

doesn't have mitochondria so they have
Mesosomes instead bacteria depend on

these Mesosomes for respiration. Mesosomes  are formed by the invaginations of

a plasma membrane into the cytosol.
Generally speaking this is how a bacterium

looks like; however, each bacterium has
its special characteristics that

distinguish it from the rest. Now move on
to gram staining. In gram staining we can

classify bacteria into either gram
positive or gram negative and that

depends on the cell wall constituents
and its ability to react with the Gram

stain. To classify them gram positive
react with the stain and give blue color,

while gram negative react with the stain
and give red or pink color. If we look at

the membranes of both gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria, from the inner

layer, we see that both of them have
plasma membrane; however, on the outside

the differences start appear. In gram
positive it has a thick peptidoglycan

layer. This layer has two techoic and
lipotechoic acids. In gram negative

bacteria and outer to the plasma
membrane we have: thin layer of

peptidoglycan, and then we have outer
membrane composed of phospholipids that

has trans-proteins and lipoproteins
embedded into it and the last layer in

gram-negative bacteria is a polysaccharide. The lipopolysaccharide

layer is composed of three structures: o-antigen, core polysaccharide, lipid A,

which is also known as endotoxin. So we
can conclude that the endotoxins are

only present in gram-negative bacteria.
These endotoxins are antigenic which

means they can elicit an immune response
causing some symptoms of: fever, weakness,

aches, or shock to the patient.

So that's it for the intro hope you enjoyed!

Please give us your feedback so you can improve in the next videos.

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