How to Study Productively

Procrastinators are people who delay their academic work until the last minute and then do a poor job. In some cases, procrastinators’ poor performance affects their social lives as well as their academic progress. To improve and stay on track, it is essential that students learn how to effectively study for exams and assignments.

The first element of the productive study is effective self-hypnosis for studying. Self-hypnosis is a mental technique that focuses the mind on specific goals and triggers a positive response from the body. In addition, self-hypnosis can be combined with other techniques such as strategic journaling to achieve lasting results. Procrastinators can learn how to effectively use self-hypnosis by downloading an audio file of self-hypnosis exercises on an app or website. Alternatively, they can record their own hypnotized study sessions and listen to them at home throughout the week. Once they are familiar with self-possession, it is time to choose a study strategy that works best for them.

Procrastinators can struggle when studying because they lack motivation and focus early in the week. Motivation usually builds overtime during the week; however, this can be sped up further by having immediate goals in mind for later in the week. It is better to have short-term goals such as studying for one hour rather than three hours per day rather than nothing at all. To stay motivated while studying, it is essential to set short-term study goals that will boost motivation and momentum throughout the week.

While it might seem like excuses would make studying easier, procrastinators’ excuses actually make it harder instead. Many excuses are based on procrastinators’ fear of failure or rejection by teachers or friends instead of facts about their actual capacity for success. Friends who give excuses for procrastination often provide false promises of easy shortcuts such as “cheating” or “busting codes” for easy answers instead of talking about their fears and limiting beliefs instead. The best way to overcome fears and limits is first to understand what these fears are— both in terms of external threats like teachers and parents and internal ones like feelings of incompetence or inadequacy— so that one can address these issues head-on instead of letting them control one's life altogether.

Studying well can help students excel in schoolwork; however, many students find this feat difficult because they lack focus, motivation, and self-hypnosis skills early in the week or during their free time. Instead, procrastinators should work towards strengthening positive mental responses instead— such as self-hypnosis — so that they can apply themselves consistently throughout the week towards achieving this end goal...


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